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Behind the Proposal

Before anyone launches CAD, breaks soil, dons a hardhat, or starts the printing press, there exists a proposal. 可以说, 这是任何项目最重要的方面——没有成功的提案就没有项目. 无论是数百万美元的政府基础设施项目, or a university library upgrade, they all start...

By Maria Flikkema


October 29, 2019

Before anyone launches CAD, breaks soil, dons a hardhat, or starts the printing press, there exists a proposal. 可以说, 这是任何项目最重要的方面——没有成功的提案就没有项目. 无论是数百万美元的政府基础设施项目, or a university library upgrade, they all start with a proposal. 事实上, 任何实体在任何领域的生存都需要熟练和彻底地执行建议, with the reward of the tendered project as the desired end result.

Proposal writing demands that you put your best foot forward, exude knowledge and confidence, 在你的思考过程和计划中表现出彻底性. 当收到来自潜在客户的RFP时,可以公平地假设您公司的几个竞争对手可能也收到了相同的RFP. How then, does one set themselves apart from the crowd? Clients are looking for something new, fresh, and creative. 这取决于提案团队如何让客户进入一个舒适和自信的空间, 解决所有潜在的问题,满足他们的需求和愿望. 所有这些都必须以一种令人信服的方式完成,这种方式允许提案审阅者涉猎技术内容,并清楚地理解所提议的流程和执行, without being lulled into a slumber of disinterest. 提案评估员每天都要审查一些提交的提案, thus the goal is to give them a real page-turner. 我们的目标不仅是获得忠实的用户,还要获得被迷住的用户!

A successful proposal involves the hands of many.

When a project is tendered, 在提案团队的大厅深处触发了一系列活动,以准备响应. Based on the tender bid provided by the client, 在撰写提案时,需要处理或考虑许多方面, from (A)ir Quality to (Z)oology. Some of these elements include: demographics, 地形, 章程, traffic patterns, human factors, and protected species. All of these need to be addressed to satiate the client’s goals, all while keeping budget and scheduling challenges in check. 中心目标是提供一个解决所有问题的解决方案, while leveraging costs and benefits.

When putting a proposal together, there are numerous disciplines and skills that must be organized, assessed and coordinated in order to achieve the desired results. 提案协调人有责任组建一支优秀的团队,让他们具备所需的技能和纪律. For example, in an architectural project like a municipal library, a team needs to include architects, interior designers, accessibility specialists, communications technicians, green technology experts, environmental protection agencies, landscapers, construction companies, IT specialists, security specialists, 和更多的. 这些“行项目”需要合并到调度矩阵中, along with their associated costs.

最适合在这个行业工作的人必须对疯狂的截止日期持开放态度, have an incredible eye for detail and thoroughness, great communication skills, 必须展示创造力,并能够提出创新的想法. 所有这些都可能是由大量的咖啡因推动的, 也许在办公室的角落里放一个沙袋,可以帮助减轻工作带来的许多压力. It sounds worse than it is, really. All of this is moot, 当你发现自己在一份最大的合同的招标中发挥了重要作用时, against some of your greatest competitors. Now that’s an adrenaline rush! 之后最大的回报是知道你为许多人的就业做出了贡献, not only within the walls of your company, 但也包括那些外部的人,他们将帮助客户的愿景成为一个美丽而富有成效的现实. All in a day’s work!

作为IBI加拿大东部提案团队的领导,Maria指导该地区的提案开发. 她还管理过公司在全球范围内的大型项目, 并为多伦多总部以外的提案团队提供战略指导. Overseeing all aspects of proposal activities, including management of proposal deadlines and progress, and directing the Canada East proposal team, Maria还负责为新客户和合同续约开发各种定制的营销材料. Having been with the firm for more than 12 years, Maria has a proven track record delivering winning, 数百万至数十亿美元的提案在挑战性的最后期限内为公共和私营部门客户提供. 她也是IBI领导力参与与发展(引领)项目的一员, and serves as a Mentor in the firm’s Mentorship program.

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